What We Do
JainInfoways started a decade ago in the midst of the electronic an IT revolution in Bangalore. It positioned itself as a trusted reseller and distributor of branded electronic goods right in the middle of the electronics market in India’s silicon valley emerging out as one of its champions in the past decade.Over the years, our company has established itself as trusted supplier of computer hardware to corporate heavy weights, small businesses and retail consumers alike. StorazeBiz is our new initiative, where we you will find any monitor and hard drive you want, ready to be delivered at your doorstep.It will bring monitors and hard disks sourced directly from the manufacturer to the click of your hand.We have been a regular and trusted seller AMAZON.IN for the last half decade and citing the drawbacks from these platforms, we decided to come directly to our customers. Hence, StorazeBiz.
We are a certified re-seller of the mentioned brands

Inquiries - storazebiz@gmail.com , 9916584175
Please leave us a feedback, after receiving the shipment to help us serve you better.We are really persistent on this, if you don't leave one we will call you for the same.